Before adding the intake, you must check that the main course / pre-sessional course (if required) is added to the manage courses page.

1. Go to the settings - mange intake page and add/ modify the intake. Select a the campus and an entry level to show the available courses to add to an intake. If your courses are missing, check the entry level has been added on 'manage courses'

2. Setup the main course by ticking the box on the left (image below), selecting the dates and update course fees for this intake. The V and NV represent Visa and Non visa applicant fees. The date column on the far right is optional, used if you wish to set a date deposit required by for this entry, let us know if you wish to add this to your letters.


To bulk update dates and fees, you can add the values in the bulk update section and then click update. this will apply and values added to all the values using the filters applied, blank values will be ignored. The course data will will only be saved once you complete the next step.

3. Click Update at the bottom to save your progress

Pre-sessional steps

4. To add a pre-sessional course to the intake - Select the pre-sessional courses using the same approach as above at the bottom of the page. (You cannot update these fees or dates using the bulk update tool) Select 'update intake' to save the pre-sessional courses.

5. Once the page has updated - scroll to the main course to assign the pre sessional course

Under the main course click on arrow to reveal the pre-sessional courses available (Which you have added in step 3). Select the pre-sessional course you wish to attach to the main course. Click on the update button at the bottom to save.


Note: The main course dates should be set after the pre sessional course. Such as May-June as a pre sessional course then main course starting in June