If an applicant is not required to pay an application deposit, the normal 'update' application button will not allow you to set 0.00 as a deposit amount, to do this you must use the 'Waive Deposit' function.

The waive deposit function will be available only at the 'New Application' status. Click on the application reference number to view the application. As shown in the screenshot below, click the 'Waive Deposit Button'.

When you click this button you can select the reason why you wish to waive the deposit and also add the student SSN or Loan reference number if you wish by clicking on the student loan option.

Once you submit the reason, it will show as 'Yes' in place of the waive deposit button. It is currently not possible to reverse this action yourself, therefore you must contact the support department to reverse for you.

By waiving this deposit, it will automatically set the deposit required for the application to 0 and allow to you continue and process the application as normal.

When an unconditional offer has been issued, it will automatically move to status Deposit Waived that falls within the Deposit Paid status on your filters, the offer letter will still generate.