You can add documents at any stage of the application process by clicking on the application reference number and then onto the 'student document' tab.

Each document upload must be less than 1.5mb. In most cases this will not be an issue, however, a very high quality scanned image or uploading a file with multiple PDF pages can sometimes tip the file beyond 1.5mb.

Below describes the reason why we must keep the 1.5mb limit, however here is a handy guide to compressing documents.

Tip 1: Use the lowest resolution when scanning the documents.

Tip 2: Scan and save one document at a time – Give this a clear title to help the institution identify each document when processing the application.

Tip 3: For images… Right click the file and ‘Open With’ a picture editor such as ‘Microsoft Office 2010. For Microsoft Office 2010, at the top of the window, click ‘picture – then compress picture’. Select documents on the right and OK. This can reduce the file size up to 10 times without compromising the quality.  

Tip 4: For PDF documents with multiple pages split the PDF into individual documents. You can use free websites such as to do this.